Drug Addiction And Rehab in Linden, NJ

At Drug Detox Centers Linden, it’s our job to understand that drug addiction is a chronic and debilitating disease that affects not only the lives of the addicted, but also the lives of those around them. According to the experts at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, achieving a successful and lasting recovery from drug addiction almost always requires focused rehab, and that’s what we’re here to provide.

Addiction, Dependence, and Rehab

Despite the stigmas that surround it, drug addiction goes far beyond being just a bad habit. It is characterized by a true inability to refrain from drug abuse despite the obvious toll it takes on both health and lifestyle. Dependence, meanwhile, is better described as the relationship between an addictive substance and the chemical environment within the brain. As tolerance develops as a result of chronic drug use, that environment changes in order to account for the presence of foreign substances. Rehab is designed to be a holistic way of treating both drug addiction and dependence.

Treating Addiction and Dependence

While by no means is the treatment of dependence “easy,” it is relatively straightforward and simple. Dependence is treated through a process known as medical detox. During detox, drug use is discontinued under the supervision of doctors and other healthcare professionals who can prescribe medications, among other treatment methods, in order to mitigate the uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous symptoms of drug withdrawal.

Treating addiction is significantly more complicated, and involves delving into the underlying personal issues that gave rise to addictive patterns of thought and behavior. These issues frequently include a traumatic past, mental illness, and self-destructive beliefs and attitudes that require intensive therapy to identify and deal with.

During this phase of treatment, goals include the identification of motivations for addictive behavior, the development of effective stress management techniques, and the replacement of damaging attitudes with self-supportive ones.

Taking a Holistic Approach

A problem that is as deep and nuanced as addiction rarely has a simple solution. At Drug Detox Centers Linden, we believe in the value of taking a holistic approach to treating drug addiction, and in doing so have heeded the recommendation of experts at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, as well as the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Treatment programs encompass a broad range of methods, including leading research-based alternative therapies like biofeedback, guided meditation, and music therapy.

Effective treatment is not a “Band-Aid.” It goes much deeper than the physical symptoms of addiction. In most cases, it’s a long term process that addresses complex issues, with the goal of helping individuals restore what they had lost through addiction, including their physical health, self-worth, and sense of purpose in life.

Let Drug Detox Centers Linden be your ultimate recovery resource. Just give us a call today at (908) 368-4232 to speak with one of our caring recovery advocates.