Relapse Prevention Programs in Linden, NJ

In the context of addiction, relapse occurs as a series of events that results in a return to substance abuse. Relapse prevention programs are designed to prevent or interrupt these events, and make up a crucial part of any effective treatment program. Relapse prevention programs build on the skills that are developed during treatment for addiction, including the ability to cope with triggers and cravings, the ability to identify and avoid risky social situations, the ability to build healthy relationships with other non-users, and the ability to effectively manage stress. To understand the importance of relapse prevention programs, it helps to have an idea of how relapse tends to work.

How Relapse Prevention Programs Break the Cycle of Relapse

We often think of relapse as an event, but in reality it is better described as a process. Full-fledged relapse, in which an addicted individual falls into a pattern of substance abuse, is typically precipitated by two more subtle stages that we refer to as emotional relapse and mental relapse.

Emotional relapse describes a psychological state in which an individual is vulnerable to addictive triggers. It could be a state of sadness, loneliness, regret, frustration, anger, or any other emotional low point that leads to thoughts of drinking or using drugs.
Mental relapse occurs when that emotional state gives rise to conscious patterns of thought that revolve around justifying relapse. During mental relapse, individuals weigh the pros and cons of substance abuse, and may even begin planning their relapse around the schedule of loved ones.

The progression of one stage of relapse to the next can be frighteningly swift, and serve as testament to the difficulty of dealing with drug and alcohol addiction. Starting with emotional relapse, an individual may begin to doubt the positive nature of their recovery. He or she may lose faith in the idea that treatment is in their best interest, and start to feel that old habits will get them through a tough time. In many cases, individuals convince themselves that they will only drink or use “this one time.”

The goal of a relapse prevention program is to help individuals maintain the motivation and skills that are required to stop one stage of relapse from digressing into the next. It’s not an easy task, which is why so much care and thought go into the development of these programs. Part of any good prevention plan is an extensive network of supportive friends, family members, and health care providers. These are people who can be turned to for immediate and knowledgeable help in the event of relapse.

At Drug Detox Centers Linden, we are firm believers in the value of relapse prevention programs. Because addiction is a very personal condition, we work to develop a plan that is best suited for each person’s needs. If you’re interested in finding out more, or have questions about preventing relapse, please get in touch with us today at (908) 368-4232.