Medical Detox in Linden, NJ

Medical detox is nothing short of the gateway to recovery. On one side are the individuals still embroiled in a bitter struggle with their addiction, perpetual victims of the many side effects that accompany drug dependence. Having yet to break away from the influence of their addiction, they find it difficult to imagine their future without drugs or alcohol. On the other side are individuals who have crossed the threshold of change, finally free from being under the influence, capable of looking forward to the future with hope and confidence.

Medical detox facilitates this change by breaking the chains of chemical dependence. During medical detox, functional changes in the brain that were brought about by long-term drug abuse begin to reverse themselves, and the body adjusts to the absence of addictive substances. The changes that occur as a result of medical detox are more than just physical, however. They open doors of psychological and emotional opportunity; opportunity to overcome the negative beliefs, attitudes, and stigmas that accompany addiction.

Why Medical Detox?

While it’s true that under extraordinary circumstances, individuals can send addiction into remission on their own, both the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration advise individuals to pursue detox and treatment for addiction in a medical facility, under the supervision of health professionals. Doing so provides them with the best chance of detox being both safe and effective.


The symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal can be debilitating, unpredictable, and dangerous. Common symptoms of withdrawal from some drugs include seizures, hallucinations, psychosis, irregular heartbeat, and difficulty breathing. Without access to medical care, these kinds of symptoms can even become life-threatening. In medical detox, doctors and other health professionals are always on hand to monitor withdrawal symptoms and prescribe medication or other forms of treatment when necessary.


The environment in which drug use is discontinued can either be conducive or destructive to a person’s recovery goals. When an individual attempts to detox without guidance or supervision, he or she very frequently is unsuccessful, instead returning to addictive behaviors in order to alleviate the painful and disorienting symptoms of withdrawal. Medical detox provides an environment that is safe, secure, and more comfortable, helping individuals to maintain their motivation for abstinence.

Medical Detox and Recovery

Many experts agree that a holistic approach to treatment maximizes the chances of successful detox and lasting recovery from addiction. Here at Drug Detox Centers Linden, we believe that carefully designed combination of medications, natural remedies, and traditional as well as alternative therapies comprise holistic treatment options for individuals facing drug addictions of all kinds.

If you would like to find out more about our services at Drug Detox Centers Linden, or have questions about medical detox, we hope you will contact us at (908) 368-4232 today.